The Logic Escapes Me

- Overall rating:
Find The Way Out (Kings Lynn): Abandoned Ship

A room that was surprisingly endearing in a kind of home-made way. Most of the puzzles were reasonably straightforward but a couple showed better than average innovation

Exit Productions (London): Revolution

A kind of a souped-up board game with creative challenges, a bit of political debate and, to some extent, commentary, with a dose of diplomacy and, at times, espionage heaped on top. A little bit of something for everyone meant that it’s the perfect game to bring a bunch of people along to, confident that they’ll find a corner which suits them.

- Overall rating:
Puzzlescape (Dereham): Sleight of Hand

A physical-puzzle lover’s paradise. Solid, logical puzzles made this game a fun time in spite of a lack of immersion.

- Overall rating:
Puzzlescape (Dereham): The Diamond Hunt

An OK game that was spoiled for me by some overly difficult searching. If that’s what you’re in to then definitely give it a go but for most people I think it will be frustrating.

- Overall rating:
History Mystery (Norwich): Archived Alive

A game that felt a little bit confused but was rescued by a very solid GMing performance. If you’re playing at History Mystery then I’d recommend their other game which is superior in terms of setting, puzzles and immersion.

- Overall rating:
History Mystery (Norwich): Body of Evidence

A well structured linear game set inside one of the disused jail cells under Norwich’s guildhall. The puzzles were a little lacking but overall it delivers a good experience for players.

- Overall rating:
The Escapement (Margate): Egyptian Exodus

An immersive game that also delivers on the puzzle front – maybe not in numbers but in quality and difficulty. A great experience although let down by a slightly flat finish. Still highly recommend, though.

- Overall rating:
Escape Kent: Kidnapped

A typically grim serial killer game but with a better-than-average interior and a couple of nice twists.