Here’s a map of all the games in this region. Click on the icons to see individual game information or scroll down to see recommendations for the region.
Top picks
- clueQuest – cQ:OriGENES (London)
- clueQuest – Revenge of the Sheep (London)
- Escape Plan – The Battle for Britain (London)
- Archimedes Inspiration – Project Delta (London)
- Escape Plan Shoreditch – The Adventure Begins (London)
Highly recommended
- Escape in Time – Secret Studio (London)
- Trapped – Trapped in a room with a zombie (London)
Other good games: AIM Escape: Patient Zero 2150 (London), clueQuest: Operation Blacksheep (London), Breakin' Escape: Wizarding School (London), Enigma Quests: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (London), Archimedes Inspiration: Kill M.A.D. (London)
More good games: Escape Rooms: Pharaoh's Chamber (London), Breakin' Escape: Heist Plan: The Garage (London), Escape Rooms: Room 33 (London), Enigma Quests: The Million Pound Heist (London), Mission: Breakout: The Lost Passenger (London)
Even more good games: clueQuest: Plan 52 (London), Breakin' Escape: Blackwing's Cave (London), Omescape: The Penitentiary (London), Mission: Breakout: Codebreakers (London), Do Stuff Escape Games: Evil Eatery (London)
Yet more good games: Agent November: Major X Ploe-Shun (London), Escape Rooms Angel: The Dark Side of the Moon (London), Handmade Mysteries – South: Lady Chastity's Reserve (London), Breakin' Escape: War on Horizon Alpha (London), Handmade Mysteries – Islington: Poppa Plock (London)
and a few more good games: London Escaped: Da Vinci (London), Escape Rooms Angel: Project DIVA (London), Mystery Cube: Mystery Cube (London), Aftermath the Game: On the Brink (London), Escape London – Shadwell: Witchcraft and Wizardry (London)
Fun facts
- I’ve played 59 of 134 open games in this region
- If you include games of the same (or similar) design that I’ve played elsewhere, I’ve played 69.
- Largest venue capacity: 78 – Locked in a Room London.
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Hi im planning on going to one for my 32nd birthday. I like creepy things, any in particular that you recommend. Party of approx 20
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Secret Studio is definitely the one – they can accommodate parties of up to 26 I think, you can all play the same game (which is great for chatting afterwards without having to keep things secret), it’s nicely creepy (without being gory or scary) and it’s one of the best games in London. No doubts in my mind that it’s the one you should choose.
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I loved Secret Studio – my favourite of the ones I’ve played.
I’m looking for another game in London in similar vein – creepy, atmospheric, with some good surprises.
Any recommendations?
Thanks very much! Great site!
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AI Escape in South London is a very different type of creepy and atmospheric but I think would still meet your definition. It’s a good game but worth mentioning that it deals with mental health topics.
Other options: Psychopath’s Den at AIM Escape is a potentially decent option. We played early on and they were still having some teething issues. I doubt you’ll think it’s as good as Secret Studio but it has some nice moments.
Poppa Plock is creepy and funny at the same time. Personally I found the game frustrating but I played with a full team because, at the time, it was a public booking system. You can now book as a 2 or 3 I think which would change the experience immensely.
I’ve not played but Komnata and London Escaped both have games that might fit the bill and they definitely have a focus on set design. Not sure about the puzzles though – I’ve heard mixed comments.
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Hi I am looking for escape room for 2 in london. Could you please suggest some for us. thank you.
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I’d generally suggest Escape Plan’s The Adventure Begins or clueQuest’s early games. Alternatively, you can opt for Clue Adventures. They’re a little further out but make games that are specifically designed for two players.