Cyantist (Bournemouth): Clockwork Orange

An attempt to make a game based on science with physical puzzles but that turned out confusing, cramped and badly lit, with the only saving grace being a friendly GM.
An attempt to make a game based on science with physical puzzles but that turned out confusing, cramped and badly lit, with the only saving grace being a friendly GM.
A strange game. I’m not entirely convinced it’s even an escape room, although it probably has just enough of the elements to count as one. The puzzles were pretty poor, the decoration was no better, and the only thing of merit was really the theatre of the scare side of things.
Another beautiful game which was a joy to spend time in. If you love searching, then it’s a great game to play but, if you’re looking for something more to challenge you in the room, you’ll probably leave a little disappointed.
A beautiful room with a well-developed story, a clear structure and a great finale. If you’re in Bournemouth, I highly recommend visiting.
A game that excels in almost every department – puzzles, story telling, automation, design, introduction and, of course, fun. One of the very best games I’ve played – if you’re ever within striking distance of Bournemouth, do yourself a favour and head on down.
A repeated dull puzzle mechanic, lots of red herrings, a very gratuitous start to the game, and moments where we were just milling around left us feeling frustrated. If you’re in Bournemouth, I’d recommend heading elsewhere.