So how have things moved on since July? Well, I did indeed visit Time Run. Tick. I also managed to escape from both of Lock’d’s rooms, which hadn’t been on the cards. Sadly, I haven’t managed to organise the Agent November outing though. It hadn’t occurred to me that they require daylight, so close early from September. The upshot is that I probably won’t make it till after Christmas, although perhaps I can free up a weekend some time…
Anyway, some new stuff booked, more concrete plans and the first of two Tours now firmly in the plan. North West England, here we come!
- August:
- Escape Hunt – Theft from the Laboratory
- Breakout Liverpool – Classified
- St Helens vs the Lizards
- [Late entry] Code to Exit: Blueprint
- September:
- Breakout Manchester – Virus
- Escape Plan – The Adventure Begins
- [Late entry] City Dash: Code Red. Three teams’ worth of players heading down to Covent Garden
- October
- A Door in a Wall. They’ve now announced their new Murder Mystery event, and there are four teams of us heading down one evening!
- More escape room tourism during a weekend in Madrid – at least two rooms (I’m open to suggestions!)
- Enigma Quests – School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Not booked yet, but we backed the kickstarter campaign, so definitely expect to go in mid to late October.
- November
- [Latest news: slipping out] The Crystal Maze (assuming we’re not too far down the waiting list!)
- Agent November, iLocked or Mystery Cube. If it’s one of the first two it will have to be a weekend visit though, so probably Mystery Cube.
- December
- Probably Revenge of the Sheep as soon as it opens (ClueQuest were my first escape room and they’ve moved venues again, so I feel I need to update my reviews!)
- Maybe something else up north, if I make another trip in that direction. Alternatively, an evening in Cambridge might be a possibility if Cambridge Escape Rooms opens up by then.
- 2016
- Far too far away to think about – by the end of 2015 I’m pretty confident that several room will have opened that haven’t yet been mentioned anywhere on the Exit Games blog, which, as far as I’m concerned is the definitive guide to escape games in the UK. I’m sure more will follow during 2016, plus existing venues will likely add to their collection.
- Having said that, I’d like to review all the currently open escape rooms so that I no longer feel like I’m playing catchup!
- ooh, and maybe play “The Black Maze”, if it goes ahead.
- Plus both A Door in a Wall games.