
- Overall rating:
Omescape Aldgate (London): Kingdom of Cats

An eagerly-anticipated game that never lived up to its billing. As perhaps befits the cat theme, it felt more laid back than most games I’ve played but that took away from the excitement that’s core to escape rooms.

- Overall rating:
Omescape: Penitentiary

The hardest game in the Omescape stable, this was my favourite of their three and combined some nice mental puzzles with some physical aspects and good flow. Warning: requires reasonable mobility, so talk to them in advance if that’s a concern.

- Overall rating:
Omescape: Biohazard Laboratory

The easiest game in the Omescape stable, this one lived up to their reputation – a nice progression through the game from easy to more challenging puzzles and a fun set to explore.

- Overall rating:
Omescape: Joker's Asylum

A tried and tested game from across the Atlantic, Joker’s Asylum is the first room where our team was fair and squarely beaten. Overall, not a game I enjoyed, but it still left me excited about what OMEscape are bringing to the table.