Hour Escape Rooms (Peterborough): The Black Diamond

A fun game with an enjoyable finale. A couple of the puzzle caused frustration and with nothing to truly novel to compensate for that, I don’t think this game stands out from the crowd.
A fun game with an enjoyable finale. A couple of the puzzle caused frustration and with nothing to truly novel to compensate for that, I don’t think this game stands out from the crowd.
A fun throwback to an earlier age of gaming when times were simpler. A room full of references not only to iconic computer games but to how consoles and computers work. The puzzles were enjoyable but perhaps a little too logical with us taking it easy and still escaping in under half an hour.
An expansive game with a bias towards physical interactive challenges. The puzzles in this game help tell a story and the theming is impressive. Well worth a visit.
An unconventional but fun escape room with a focus on skill-based challenges and interesting transitions. A great introduction for people who might find conventional puzzles intimidating and fun for anyone that doesn’t mind the (easy) skill challenges.
Another beautiful room from Thinking Outside the Box. This one was let down a bit for us by a few weak puzzles but I’m confident they’ll soon have them sorted and what will remain will be an incredibly strong game.
A fun game with good hosting, an engaging introduction, a pretty set and plenty of solid puzzles.