- Overall rating:
Exciting Escapes (Southampton): Silence is a Virtue

A thoroughly enjoyable game that I’d recommend you visit. Plenty of fun, logical puzzles, great decoration and some memorable moments make it my favourite of the Exciting Escapes games.

- Overall rating:
Clue Capers logo

A game that never really gelled with us, and left me disappointed. While that was definitely partly down to the game, I think it was also just a game that we personally didn’t connect with. I think others will have a very different experience and I think it’s well worth a trip if you’re in the area.

- Overall rating:
TimeTrap Escape Rooms (Reading): Station X

A room that immerses you in the 1940s from the moment you arrive right through to the end of the game. It’s a beautiful experience with fun puzzles, interesting interactions, a little bit of humour and some bonus content to keep enthusiasts busy.

- Overall rating:
Incarcerated (Swindon): Agenda 21

A clear step up from their earlier games, we enjoyed the unusual introduction and while the theming wasn’t amazing, there was enough flow to ensure we enjoyed our experience.

- Overall rating:
Co-Decode (Swindon): Sub Terra

A fantastic game bringing together great puzzles, impressive engineering, a beautiful set and an interesting storyline. Well worth travelling to Swindon for.

- Overall rating:
Lucardo Rawtenstall - University of Magic: Dragon's Heart.

The team at Rawtenstall continue to impress. A well delivered story, a fantastic introduction, a great entrance to the game, solid puzzles and plenty of theatre throughout the experience meant we left the game buzzing.

- Overall rating:
Escape Quest (Macclesfield): The 13th Element

A strong game that will appeal to people who like varied, good quality puzzles, especially if they like working in parallel with their team. It’s a very good example of a science/laboratory-based game with a different feel to most experiences of that type.