The Logic Escapes Me

A Weekend in Paris: Escape Hunt

An enjoyable room with a few too many rough edges. The centrepiece to the game is impressive but it was somewhat spoiled for us by some clumsily added clues, a partially removed puzzle and a flat ending

A Weekend in Paris: Epsilon Escape

A thoroughly enjoyable game until we hit a breakage and some poor GM-ing that marred our experience. The Patient in Room 8 has some fun puzzles, a beautiful but simple set and plenty going for it – fingers crossed others don’t hit the issue we did.

A Weekend in Paris: Team Time and Leavin Room

A review of Team Time’s Zombie Bunker and Leavin Room’s Hostel, a couple of thematically scary games in Paris. Both had great sets with immersion that started well before entering the space but with puzzles that didn’t quite do it for me.

A Weekend in Paris: Team Break 9

A review of the three games at Team Break’s venue in the 9th arrondissement. All solid games but with a little over-reliance on searching and some puzzles that were disappointing. Lost, a plane-crash-based game was the clear winner for me.

A Weekend in Paris: X-Dimension and Happy Hour

Reviews of games at X-Dimension and Happy Hour. The former was a disappointing game at a franchise where I’ve heard reasonable things about other rooms while the latter was the sort of good game you expect when TRAP designs are involved although not quite as good as it should have been.

A Weekend in Paris: Phobia

A great game for two people that mixes some solid puzzling with steadily improving sets and plenty of theatre. Be warned though – this is a properly scary game that’s not for the faint hearted.

A Weekend in Paris: The Game

The very best of the Parisian venues, we played four rooms at the Game. The Plane was outstanding – one of the best games I’ve played – with Assassin’s Creed a gorgeous re-enactment of the computer game. Even Catacombs and Casino, while weak in comparison, were still strong games. If you’re in Paris, this is the place to go.

Clockwork Dog (London): Tomb Raider

A quick write-up of the Tomb Raider experience by Clockwork Dog. An action adventure style of game that you can only play if you enter a competition.

- Overall rating:
The Great Escape Game Leeds: Abducted

If you’re interested in playing a horror room, then this should be reasonably high up your list if you’re in the area. On the other hand, if you’re just after a normal experience, a flawed puzzle will really frustrate you at a critical point in the room.