- Overall rating:
Lockdown Escape Rooms (Oldham): A.W.O.L.

A game that sits somewhere in the middle of the road. It’s a fun hour, made all the better by friendly GMs, but the puzzles were reasonably standard with a few rough edges and, while the decoration was probably on theme, this is a theme that’s hard to make truly exciting.

- Overall rating:
Enigma Rooms (Sheffield): Voodoo

A charming game with pretty decoration, solid puzzles, a good gameflow and some memorable moments thrown in. According to the owner, this game was created before he’d really played any escape rooms himself, something that, with its series of good design-choices, wasn’t at all obvious.

- Overall rating:
Enigma Rooms (Sheffield): The Bank Job

A Jekyll and Hyde of a game. A great entrance, some cool props and a bonus mechanic that will push most teams all the way were some of the highlights, but some amateur puzzle implementation and lots of tedious padlock entry took the shine off for me.

500 posts!

Have I really published 500 posts!?!?

- Overall rating:
Stuck in the Riddle (Huddersfield): The Dungeon

A fun game with a good sense of exploration, pretty decoration and a great use of space. All this was backed up by an enjoyable set of puzzles involving plenty of teamwork.

- Overall rating:
Escape Kent (Canterbury): Pirates of the Stormy Seas

A game we thoroughly enjoyed. There’s a great set, a fun intro, a great variety of puzzles, a couple of nice surprises, a good sense of exploration and an impressive finale. Throughout our time in the room, it rarely put a foot wrong.

Catching up: Leicester and Loughborough

A review of the three games we played in the Midlands in mid 2017. The Cabin was probably the best of Escape Asylum’s games while Boiling Point was the weaker of the two Break Escape games open at the time.

- Overall rating:
Escapologic (Nottingham): Heistakes

A game with plenty of impressive moments – cool centrepieces, fun puzzles and an interesting storyline – but tempered by a frustrating finale and failing tech.